WHY has SPH Nithyananda Illegally Exiled into Statelessness?
02 March || The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Illegally Exiled into Statelessness by Denial of Natural Citizenship:
Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) which comprises of 2 billion Hindus and the reigning spiritual emperor (Jagat Guru Mahasannidhanam — JGM) of 17 ancient traditional Hindu kingdoms.
The revival of Hinduism through the civilizational nation of Kailasa globally irked vested interests of atheistic terrorist militant elements, caste supremacist terrorists and other anti-Hindu forces who executed a massive persecution and genocide on SPH and His followers on 2 March 2010 that continued for the next whole decade and comprised of over 70 assassination attempts, over 250 sexual assaults on SPH and his monks and disciples, lawfare of 120 false cases over 10 years, massive hate propaganda in electronic media of over 14,000 hours and print media of over 25,000 articles in 5 years, destruction of heritage properties worth over 27 million USD, and the continuing ethnocide and genocide of over 80 million Hindus worldwide since 7 centuries.
Specifically, the lawfare involved:
- Delegitimizing SPH by hate propaganda, disenfranchising Him of His civil and human rights, prejudicing Him from fair representation and fair trial
- Repeated illegal imprisonment, with brazen torture, custodial assassination attempts, supported by system justification in various forms, including the common processes of bureaucracy, indifference, self-deception, diffused responsibility, and has resulted in continued systemic complicity with torture, murder and genocide
- Well-planned multi-layer false hate propaganda by the ‘fourth estate’ media sustained by moral disengagement, leaving the broader public in a state of wilful ignorance, motivated denial, out-group victim blaming, dehumanization and bystander apathy to even genocide.
A born citizen of India, SPH was specifically denied the right to citizenship and made illegally Stateless aimed to prevent SPH from travelling, and isolate SPH from His devotees to ensure His extermination in person and principle.
On 21 April, 2010, SPH was illegally arrested in spite of no charge against SPH, no victim alleging any crime, no evidence of any crime.
On multiple occasions, the Supreme Court of India and the different High Courts In India have reiterated that passport is a constitutional right and the renewal cannot be refused. The Supreme Court of India in Suresh Nanda vs C.B.I says “In our opinion, even the Court cannot impound a passport;” ( https://www.saveindianfamily.org/police-and-court-cannot-seize-passport/ )
And in Maneka Gandhi Vs Union of India says, “Right to travel abroad is guaranteed under Article 21.” ( https://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/maneka-gandhi-case-1978-sc-judgements/ )
International law also has the Article 13 of The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights saying, “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State, the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.” ( https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ )
Yet, on 29 April, 2010, the passport of SPH was illegally impounded on the pretext of the false case in a brazen mockery of justice.
This is in stark contrast to the treatment meted to film personalities like Salman Khan who was charged with murder but allowed to travel for entertainment visits or global terrorists like Dawood Ibrahim whose passport was never impounded. SPH on the other hand has only contributed to Hinduism and been recognized with certificates and city keys worldwide over 26 years. ( https://nithyanandatruth.org/ambassador-of-peace/awards-and-recognitions/ )
SPH has set up educational, cultural and religious institutions which have made major contributions towards the preservation of the Hindu identity and its rich heritage. Yet based on one false complaint, without thorough investigations, SPH was denied his constitutional right to citizenship.
On the appeal of SPH to the Ministry of External Affairs, the illegal impounding of His passport was revoked in August 2010. (https://shrikailasa.github.io/persecution_evidences/2010-Aug-09-MEA-order-to-police-to-return-passport.jpg )
On 23 February 2012 (https://shrikailasa.github.io/persecution_evidences/2012-Feb-23_order-to-release-passport.jpg ), the Trial Court in the false case against SPH passed the order to “release interim custody of the passport till the disposal of the case”
From 2010 to 2018, SPH travelled out of India several times every year, and inspite of the illegal torture by immigration officials multiple times SPH came back, each and every time.
Even though SPH was subjected to the most vexatious state sponsored legal terrorism, being a role model for 2 billion Hindus, SPH set aside His individual civil and human rights, and followed the law even when these orders were aimed at persecuting Him.
Yet, in 2018 SPH was denied renewal of His passport. (https://shrikailasa.github.io/persecution_evidences/2018-Aug-24_illegal_mea_notice_without_even_signature.jpg)
Though SPH is a born Indian, the Court had ordered custody of passport to SPH and SPH personally appeared for renewal of his passport and submitted his documents at the Passport office. This mockery of justice and denial of fundamental rights was glorified by the media as the anti-Hindu forces illegally disenfranchised SPH of His rights as a natural citizen, exiled him into statelessness and forced SPH to withdraw Himself from public life in the Indian society.
Even after revoking the passport of SPH, the the passport office continued to harass by issuing another illegal notice, on 1 May 2019. (https://shrikailasa.github.io/persecution_evidences/2019-May-01-notice-from-passport-office.jpeg )
Due to this the vexatious legal notice, SPH cited was forced to reiterate the entire previous proceeding to prevent further harassment. ( https://shrikailasa.github.io/persecution_evidences/2019-May-06-reply-to-notice-from-passport-office.jpg )