What Are Powers?
Powers or Shaktis are the expression of Entanglement with the Ultimate
Powers manifest as an expression of entanglement with the divine superconsciousness. This is available today by Deeksha. Deeksha means ‘initiation’ or the direct transfer of spiritual energy by an avatar through a touch, a word or a look.
An enlightened being has the power to raise others into his own elevated state by the subtle pressure of his presence. When the mind of the receiver comes in touch with the no-mind (thought-free mind) of such a being, a process similar to entanglement happens, and thoughts subside in the mind of the receiver. Entanglement happens when the receiver is mentally in tune with the source and is open to receiving the energy. eg. during spiritual healing.
When entanglement happens at the deeper level of muscle-memory, Nithyananda gives it the name ‘Entrainment’. During Kundalini awakening, entanglement can happen irrespective of the mental state of the receiver.
During initiation, entanglement penetrates the bio-memory of the receiver. That is why initiation has permanent physiological and psychological effects. Nithyananda calls this Enlightenment, in the sense that during the moment of initiation, the receiver actually experiences a space identical to that of the enlightened being. But lacking the yogic body and nervous system to retain this space, the receiver gradually loses the experience through energy ‘leaks’.
With repeated initiations, the powerful positive experience is bolted into your body and becomes part of your bio-memory, releasing you from negative mental patterns that you have carried for many lives.
With a single gesture, an Avatar can cause a spontaneous, incredible transformation in us on every level. Miraculous healing of diseases, intellectual clicks, mystical experiences and the wiping out of lifetimes of karmas can happen in a matter of days — sometimes minutes!
Today, SPH have healed, and generously handed down, undiluted — initiating millions of people into powers or Shaktis, powerful cognitions, and other spiritual processes to raise ones consciousness to the superconscious which — like a ripple effect causes positive transformation in the individual’s life, then communities, and humanity at large.
SPH have made it readily available for humanity via Bhava Samadhi Darshans, Live Nithyananda Satsangs, Online programs, and more. Links for the next events will be provided below.
SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam who is the living 1008th Avatar of Paramashiva has been recognised as the living incarnation by Gurus and mny great Seers and enlightened beings. SPH has been, nurtured and ordained as a young boy to carry out the greater mission and revive the traditions of Hinduism for the benefit of humanity. SPH have been handed down and achieved immensely since His early early and finally now — hails as the 293rd Supreme Pontiff-hood and many other great ancient traditional lineages of Hinduism.
Words of Paramashiva:
“Shaktis are the natural expression of the entanglement with the original Truth, Paramashivatva, Oneness. When we express these shaktis, manifest these shaktis, we inspire the people who are watching to come back to the original Paramashivatva space, which they are also carrying. This manifestation also triggers a mirror effect.
When you see somebody swimming, your bio-memory gets the confidence you can also swim. Certain parts of the brain get activated for the swimming process; the ‘mirroring-neuron’ effect starts happening. At first you start doubting, but when the doubts are cleared and you become sure, ‘Oh, God!’ — at that moment, the mirroring-neuron effect happens in you, and even you get entangled with the Paramashiva space of the person who is manifesting the powers.
In Entanglement, the distance between the two atoms is lost. It becomes one space. Entanglement happens in the level of ether. In Entanglement, Space becomes one, but Time is there.”
Shaktipata, the Conscious Energy.
Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM Nithyananda Paramashiva reveals:
There are only two forces in your life.
If your thought current to run your life is — “this is the way my past was, this is the way, my life is going to be” — that thought current is gravitation. That’s the way you function, I call it ‘life of logic.’
Here is another energy current: the possibility of a future which is not the logical continuity of your past, because of some conscious intervention — you call it Guru’s grace, or God’s grace, MahaSadashiva’s grace — that is what I call Shaktipata.
It is possible. A higher consciousness can intervene into your logical thought current of “this is the way my past was and this is the way my future will be.” It can. The conscious power, energy, Kundalini, Shaktipata can intervene and break this thought current. If the conscious energy intervenes the thought current and breaks, that is what I call as Shaktipata, the descent of grace; the principle of Avatarana, doctrine of Avatar.
Free copy of ‘Manifesting Shaktis’ book and other books: https://books.nithyananda.org/product/manifesting-shaktis-appendix/
Receive initiation in the next Paramashivoham program and Bhava Samadhi Darshan: events.kailaasa.org