Spiritual Alchemy Product: Jnananjana

KAILASA's UN for Yogic Sciences
2 min readApr 5, 2021


Jnanānjana is a spiritual alchemy product prepared by an Enlightened Master. The Jnanjana is derived from the soot of the lamp lit with the pure ghee, and pure cotton wick, energized through the Awakened Third Eye of an Incarnation or an Enlightened Being. His very bio-energy is instilled in that fire and the smoke which comes out of that fire is captured on a silver vessel and the pure desi cow ghee is added to that. Through the proper process, the alchemy product called jnanānjana is prepared.

Scriptural References

There is a beautiful verse in Guru Gita. Sadashiva reveals in Sri Guru Gita to Devi ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñāna-anjanaśalākayā | cakṣurunmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrigurave namaḥ ||

The translation: “ The One, who removes the blinding darkness of the eyes, caused by the absence of true liberating knowledge, by applying jñāna-anjana, the sacred black eye-liner anointing the three eyes, which is of the essence and bio-energy of pure knowledge, and awakens the all-pervasive in nite eye, cakṣuḥ, the intra-organ through which ‘all that is’ is seen, onto that Sri Guru, I surrender.”

For ages, this secret inside the Sri Guru Gita was hidden from even the greatest scholars. The Jnananjana was an initiation given from Guru to disciple, Shiva to Devi, to achieve enlightenment. Shiva himself clearly dictates how to make this in the Agama. The Jnanjana detoxifies all the three eyes and raises your frequency; makes you understand the 5 aspects of Ishvara and 11 dimensions of Universe and 25 states of Consciousness.

This alchemy described elaborately in the Agamas awakens the ability to manifest the Shaktis (spiritual powers) Paramashiva describes in the Agamas. On the night of Guru Poornima (2016), under the gaze of the full Moon in Ananda Puri courtyard, Swamiji brought this ancient tradition and original science of Jnananjana back to life. SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam elaborated and initiated the extraordinary science of the Jnananjana to a group of delegates and Balasants of Nithyananda order.

Through this initiation, the Balasanths started manifesting Shaktis, seeing on the betel leaf which is covered with Jnananjana. Any onlooker could ask them a question. They would ask the Jnananjana, energized by the Third Eye of Paramashiva himself, “Please show me the answer.” Later, the same initiation was given to the Nithyananda Balasanths to see scenes on the sacred Banyan tree leaf with Jnananjana applied on it.

Source: Nithyanandapedia.org



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