Spend Maha ParamaShivaratri in KAILASA for Intense Superconscious Breakthrough!
11 March 2021 is the most auspicious occasion on planet earth. It is the Night of Intense Superconscious Awakening — the Experience of PARAMASHIVOHAM WITH THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM
Celebrations will start from 6:00PM IST Onwards.
Free initiations, Maha Satsang, Sacred offerings and blessings! Join the celebrations at: https://events.kailaasa.org/mahaparamashivaratri/
Maha Paramashivaratri℠ is the most auspicious night to realize “Paramashivoham,” to BE PARAMASHIVA!
On this night, an explosion of superconscious energy happens on our planet. Vedic cosmology traces this explosion back to the Big Bang, the moment of creation of our Universe. In the sacred Vedic text Arunachala Purana, this momentous happening is depicted as Paramashiva taking the form of an endless shaft of light spanning earth and sky.
Paramashivaratri℠ is when the most powerful manifestation of Paramashiva as the Infinite light shaft, as LINGODBHAVA happened in the cosmos.
Every year, on this night of ParamaShivaratri℠, by a fortunate alignment of cosmic forces, this clairvoyant Cosmological Happening happens again and again. Paramashiva manifests for the devotion of the devotee to remove the darkness of ignorance and give enlightenment to the whole cosmos.
On the very first Maha paramaShivaratri℠, the universe received the Cosmic Happening of Paramashiva in the form of Lingodbhava to which Brahma and Vishnu surrendered to Him as the highest spiritual principle. Since then Paramashiva is a clarion call for beings to live in absolute Oneness with the Cosmos, as the highest spiritual principle, as Paramashiva Himself.
आचारकथना द यग त ाि त नदानतः । महा मत वकथनादागमः क थतः ये ॥ ४३ ॥
ācārakathanāddivyagati prāptinidānataḥ । mahātmatattvakathanād-āgamaḥ kathitaḥ priye ॥ 43 ॥
Because it narrates of the sources of conduct, ācāra, with a view to arrive at the ultimate divine space, divyagati, because it speaks of the truth of the great-souled, mahātma, it is called Āgama.
वे दताऽ खलशा ाथ स धमा थ न पणात ् । दशन ानां माण वा वेद इ य मधीयते ॥ ३७ ॥
veditā’khilaśāstrārtha saddharmārthanirūpaṇāt । darśanānāṃ pramāṇatvādveda ityamidhīyate ॥ 37 ॥
Because it determines the purport of all the communicated, vedita, scriptures and of the sacred Dharma, and because it is the standard direct evidence of all philosias, darśanas , it is called Veda.
~ kulārnava tantra, ullāsa 17, Sadāśiva to Devi
आगतां शवव े यो गतां च ग रजा तु ौ । मतां ीवासदु ेव य त मादागम उ यते ॥
āgatāṃ śivavaktrebhyo gataṃ ca girijāmukhe । mataṃ hi vāsudevasya tasmādāgama ucyate ॥ ~ svacchanda tantra
“That which has come from Śiva’s mouth and directly heard and received by Devi Girijā (Pārvati), which has been ordained by Śri Vāsudeva (Viṣṇu) to govern the world, therefore that is called Āgama.”
The VedaAgamas are the Source books of Hinduism or Sanatana Hindu Dharma. The revelation from the Veda-Agamas form the Shāstra Pramaṇa, the scriptural authority on truth, which came down directly from the mouth of Bhagavān Sadāshiva to His consort Devi Adishakti.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda reveals, “Vedas are the ultimate, superior authority for the Hindus. Vedas are like a pure science, where the ultimate truths are explained, but Agamas are the scriptures where the applied technology, the applied science is expanded. all the Hindu bodies accept Vedas and Agamas as Shruti [that which is heard] and everything else follows as Smritis [the remembered scriptures].
Agamas are directly revealed by Sadashiva; they are more like a practical manual of how to, what to, where to, when to. All these details are answered with the right context, giving enough of understanding and I should say, in a more sympathetic, compassionate way, with a lot of concern for human beings with tremendous user-friendliness.”
Uttara Kamika Agama — Magha Shiivaratri puja vidhih verse 5
श्र्णुध्वं तद्विधानं हि सर्वेषामपि सम्मतम् ।
माघमास्यसिते पक्षे विद्यते या अतुर्दशि ॥ ४ ॥तद्रात्रिश्शिवरात्रिस्स्यात् सर्वपुण्य शुभावहा ।
तस्यामेव शिवे पूजा शिवलिंगे शिवालये ॥ ५ ॥śṛṇudhvaṁ tadvidhānaṁ hi sarveṣāmapi saṁmatam |
māghamāsyasite pakṣe vidyate yā caturdaśī || 4 ||
tadrātriśśivarātrissyāt sarvapuṇya śubhāvahā |
tasyāmeva śive pūjā śivaliṅge śivālaye || 5 ||
Now listen to the detailed process of that worship, which is acceptable to all followers. The night time of the day which synchronizes with the fourteenth lunar day of the black-half (Krishna paksha) in the month of Magha is known as “sivaratri”.
Such night is conducive to the attainment of the fruits of all meritorious deeds. During that night, Lord Siva should be worshipped who has manifested in the form of Sivalinga in the Siva-temple.