Simple Technique to Decalcify your Third Eye Pineal Gland
In this video, the SPH explains about the calcification about the Third Eye and a technique to reverse the effects and awaken the Third Eye.
Over the years, the SPH has decoded then initiated simple and practical solutions as a technique for the awakening of ones conscious evolution. In 2016, the SPH explained about the Science of the Third Eye:
“Let me expand on the Sacred Secret Science of Third Eye, the science which goes on raising the frequency of your perception. Listen carefully, which goes on raising the frequency of your perception. Yesterday I gave you one simple technique, letting the turmeric and kumkum work on your thirdeye, why you know, turmeric is the powerful antidote for fluoride, please understand, fluoride and turmeric both, enter into your system through skin. For example the fluoridated water, you don’t have to drink fluoridated water to get the fluoride toxin inside you.
Listen carefully. Fluoride, fluoridated water or object you don’t have to take, drink, orally you don’t have to take inside, to get affected by the toxin. Even if you take bath in the water fluoridated, fluoride can enter into your system. Through skin it enters. Turmeric has the quality to enter into your system through skin, 40% of the turmeric enters into your skin when you rub it. For example, if you rub 100 gram turmeric on your skin, 40 gram penetrates and gets into your system. The penetration rate is too high. It is complete antidote for fluoride. There are many old people saying, see my kid’s thirdeye are all awakened, they all do thirdeye reading, somehow still I am struggling. When I try it’s only all blank. Sometime even the guys who are 20, 30, feel oh. It’s not working for me. Whoever has the feeling, thirdeye is not working for me. Every night rub the turmeric nicely, see not just applying, rub, rubbing will make the turmeric get into the system, through your skin. There are certain organic products, more powerful in your system, they will work. They will act, more powerfully in your system, if they get in through your skin than orally taking.
In all the Indian cooking, turmeric is used, whether it is sambar or poriyal, everywhere turmeric is used. Orally taken turmeric will only heal the ulcers of the intestine but the turmeric rubbed on the skin only will be the antidote for fluoride. Please understand if the turmeric is taken orally it will not clean fluoride in your system, it will heal the ulcer in your stomach. it will help the digestion, It will completely remove acidity gastric all these problems. Turmeric, Haritaki, neem if you have these few things around your house, you will never fall sick. Every house a neem tree, few turmeric plants, little haritaki, same way if you have little more land around your house, this 3 trees; see 2 lakh trees and plants and herbs are recorded, in Vedas. In that 3 trees, will not have flower and directly will have fruit. Pookadhu kaikum (tamil) — means they will not have flower, they will directly have fruit, this 3 trees. Al-Arasu-athi, banyan-peepal-fig. These three trees, do not flower directly give fruit. These three tree they are called root to leaf. ‘Oushadha’ from the root to the leaf they are medicines. These three trees you can take anything it will be good to your body, so if you have little land around your home, try to have this few trees.
First, foremost neem. Second banyan. Turmeric plant; turmeric plant you can have even in a small pot. And fig, peepal, Al-Arasu-Athi. Even their breeze will be healing your system.There are some herbs if you rub them on the skin, through skin if they penetrate your system, only then they do detoxification work. So night time pick up the turmeric, make it little paste nicely rub on your forehead, nicely rub. 40% will get into your system and detoxify. I tell you, if you have become adult without getting thirdeye awakened unfortunately and you are grumbling grudging, very simple thing.
I am not even saying you have to do it for your whole life, few days, night before falling asleep. Pick up the turmeric powder and make into a paste. Nicely rub on your forehead, every micro milligram turmeric gets into your system will clean 10 times of that fluoride toxin. The fluoride neuro toxin and it’s effects, can be reversed by the turmeric and kumkum, especially apply it in the night and fall asleep. It will work whole night. If you are in forties maximum 20 days is enough to detoxify you, please understand. If you are in forties maximum 20 days is enough for detoxification, If you are in your twenties, I’ll say 10 days is enough for detoxification. Just apply in the night time.
Listen carefully once more. Taking orally through your food will heal only your intestine, food pipe. it will heal only the stomach, of course that is also great, but detoxification, now I am looking at detoxifying your thirdeye from the neurotoxins you accumulated.There is an intra organ called thirdeye, that gets calcified, by the neurotoxins, that need to be cleaned, the detoxification need to happen, for that this is the best way, apply on your forehead. Rub it nicely with the turmeric paste, make sure it is organic, unadulterated, just nicely rub on your forehead, and apply kumkum, lie down, bring your awareness there and visualize through your attention you are rubbing the thirdeye and cleaning it.
You can literally visualize, your thirdeye intra organ, through your attention, you are nicely rubbing and polishing. If you are in your twenties, hardly ten days; if you are in your forties maximum twenty days. If you are in your eighties maximum one month. Surely it will not take more than a month. Just rub the thirdeye with the turmeric powder or turmeric paste. The best way is picking up the original raw turmeric stick, picking it and have a clean stone and rub it nicely with water and that paste if you rub on your forehead, in the night time before falling asleep, nicely rub it and put kumkum and fall asleep. actually when you put your attention on the third-eye, for quite a long time you will not fall asleep, I am telling you. You put your attention when you sleep, it’s ok. Till you fall asleep go on be having your attention there, with that one intention, to open the third-eye.
Everyone who wants to come to Sadashivoham please prepare yourself, every night with this detoxification. It will help you in a very big way. See, when you apply on the skin and rub, the physical part of the turmeric does not get into your system, the subtle, the sookshma sareera, of the turmeric. Means there will be physical component also, small physical particles, the subtle particles, when they get into your skin, and get into your system, they become very powerful. Please understand, they become very powerful and detoxify you, completely, very easily, they will make your thirdeye function, they will make your thirdeye relevant.
Actually, just like your hands, your legs, your eyes ears, thirdeye is an intra organ, you should be able to use it. Every night if you apply on the forehead, rub, detoxification of your thirdeye, will help you a lot, for me to pour energy into it. Listen. Intra organ itself is not thirdeye, not ajna, see just like this two eyes there is an intra organ thirdeye, but that is not ajna. Ajna is the power which activates the thirdeye and manifest through the third-eye. This rubbing of the turmeric and applying kumkum, activates, detoxifies the intra organ called, third-eye. Listen carefully these two things;
1) Rubbing the turmeric and applying kumkum, that, detoxifies the intra organ called thirdeye.
2) Putting your attention on the third-eye activates something called Ajna, means the energy to activate the intra organ called thirdeye, happens by putting your attention on it. So applying the turmeric and kumkum detoxifies the intra organ called thirdeye. Putting your attention and keeping it on your thirdeye, rubbing your third-eye with your attention, activates the WILL, that creates ajna. To manifest powers through your intra organ called thirdeye. Both need to be done. Detoxification also need to be done. Infusing energy also need to be done. Understand if you just detoxify and bring yourself to the Sadashivoham, I can put the energy or I can go on blasting your thirdeye with energy and do the detoxification. Both are possible. But if you do the detoxification and prepare yourself, little and come there. It can be 100 times more useful, because if you have finished the first level I will do the next level. If I have to do the first level also I will do. But the way the exponential growth which can happen in you if you do little preparation and come, will be amazing. It will be an amazing growth.”