Receive Quantum Healing and Blessings from Vaideeshwara Bhava Samadhi Darshan!

Join us for a very special #Nithyananda Vaideeshwara #Bhavasamadhi #Darshan on 25 March 2021

KAILASA's UN for Yogic Sciences
3 min readMar 16, 2021

Today, Paramashiva Embodied as HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam Has manifested the Energy of Vaidyanatha Swami into millions to address the prayers of humanity.

Paramashiva is the Lord of Medicines also known as Lord Vaideeshwara

Who is Vaideeshwara?

Bhagavan Vaidyanatha Swami (Vaideeshwara) is the manifestation of Paramashiva who is the lord of medicines and Ayurveda (whole-body healing system)

Paramashiva took this form to heal Chandra (moon) from all his diseases and illness

Paramashiva as Vaidyanatha Swami along with Devi Thaiyalnayaki brought down the “Sanjeevi Thailam” (panacea for all ills) and the soil from the roots of the vilva tree from Kailasa to Bhuloka in order to cure all illnesses of mankind.

Sthala puranam of Vaidyeshwara Temple

A Prayer to Lord Vaidyanatha

दिवो वराहम् अरुषं कपर्दिनं त्वेषं रूपं नमसा नि ह्वयामहे |

हस्ते बिभ्रद् भेषजा वार्याणि शर्म वर्म च्छर्दिर् अस्मभ्यं यंसत् ||

divo varāham aruṣaṃ kapardinaṃ tveṣaṃ rūpaṃ namasā ni hvayāmahe |

haste bibhrad bheṣajā vāryāṇi śarma varma cchardir asmabhyaṃ yaṃsat ||

Him with the braided hair we call with reverence down, the wild-boar of the sky, the red, the dazzling shape. May he, his hand filled full of sovran medicines, grant us protection, shelter, and a home secure.

Energy of Vaidyanatha Swami completely removes negative thought currents

प्रभूतवातादि समस्त रॊग- प्रणाशकर्त्रॆ मुनिवन्दिताय ।

प्रभाकरॆन्द्वग्निविलॊचनाय श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ४ ॥

Prabhootha vadadhi samastha roga, Pranasa karthre muni vandhthithaya,

Prabhakarennd wagni vilochanaya, Sri vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians, Who cures all great diseases like rheumatism and arthritis, Who is saluted by great sages,and to whom, the Sun god, Moon and God of fire are eyes.

Bhagavan Vaidyeshwara completely removes all our negative thought currents and heals the chronic diseases like Rheumatism and Arthritis.

Energy of Vaidyanatha Swami bestows speech, sight and healing to other senses

वाक्श्रॊत्रनॆत्राङ्घ्रिविहीनजन्तॊः वाक्श्रॊत्रनॆत्राङ्घ्रिमुखप्रदाय ।

कुष्ठादिसर्वॊन्नतरॊगहन्त्रॆ श्री वैद्यनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥ ५ ॥

Vakchrothra nethrangiri viheena jantho, Vakchrothra nethrangiri sukha pradaya,

Kushtadhi sarvonnatha roga hanthre, Sri Vaidyanathaya nama sivaya.

I salute that God Shiva, Who is the king among physicians, Who blesses those beings who have lost their speech, hearing, sight and ability to walk, With these abilities and who provides cure for devastating diseases like leprosy.

Bhagavan Vaidyeshwara removes all our patterns of impossibility and bestows the possibility and abilities to the beings who have lost their Sight,Speech,Hearing and other disabilities.

Energy of Vaidyanatha Swami heals from fear of death

वालाम्बिकेश वैद्येश भवरोगहरेति च।

जपेन्नामत्रयं नित्यं महारोगनिवारणम्॥९॥

Balambikesa vaidyesa bava roga haredisa,

Japen nama thrayam nithyam maha roga nivaranam.

Those who recite this prayer and pray the Lord Vaidyanatha, Who is with his consort Balambika, and who removes the fear of birth and death would get cured of all great diseases.

Worshipping Bhagavan Vaidyeshwara takes us beyond the fear of birth and death and heals us from the various great diseases

Join us through a very special program and receive a powerful healing energy and initiation from Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam via:



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