Prepare for the Largest Global Celebration Third Eye and Kundalini Awakening Paramashivaratri with SPH
Paramashivaratri is when the most powerful manifestation of Paramashiva as the Infinite light shaft, as Lingodbhava happened in the cosmos.
Every Shivaratri this clairvoyant cosmological happening happens again and again. Paramashiva manifests for the devotion of the devotee to remove the darkness of ignorance and give enlightenment to the whole cosmos.
He is Avykata the Unmanifest and He is also Vyakta, the Manifest. Yet He is as available to us as a deep breath of fresh air. Paramashiva is the One who is beyond all — all dualities, all good and bad, all genders, all tendencies and moods. He is the most pure and is completely untouched. But His compassion brings Him down to our human plane and takes us from wherever we are to Paramashivoham.
On the very first Mahashivaratri, the universe received His cosmic happening, in the form of Lingodbhava to which Brahma and Vishnu surrendered to Him as the highest spiritual principle. Since then Paramashiva is a clarion call for beings to live in absolute Oneness with the Cosmos, as the highest spiritual principle, as Paramashiva Himself.
The Kamika Agama, Uttara Pada, Magha Shivaratri Vidhi Verse 2–3 beautifully says:
anuṣṭhitaṁ purā devyā yadanyairapyanuṣṭhitam|
mayā saha mudā sārdhaṁ ramantīpsitamāyayuḥ|| 2
na bādhyante yamādeśāt kiṅkaraiḥ krūradṛṣṭibhiḥ|
yamaṁ cāpi na paśyanti narakāṇi ca no yayuḥ|| 3
This vowed observance(sivaratri vrata) was duly accomplished earlier by Devi(Sivasakti) and was performed by others(deities and sages)according to the rules prescribed for that. Because of such accomplishment,
Devi attained the blissful state being united with Me. Others were enabled to experience much delighted state, having obtained all those desired by them. Those who observe this supreme vow would not be bound with the ropes hurled by the servants of Yama who cast dreadful looks with their protruding eyes. They would not even see Yama. And, they will never go to the hellish worlds.
Today we receive Paramashiva, and remember and celebrate His glories, His leelas, and His manifestation, here in the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devasthanam.
All temple festivals are ‘Utsavams’ and the most important one is called ‘Brahmotsavam’. The Sanskrit word ‘Utsava’ denotes an act of creation or re-creation. If we study the features of the Brahmotsavam, we will find that more than any other temple festival, the Brahmotsavam would essentially be a festival of re-creation.
Celebrating Paramashiva’s advent, glory, and blessings, is that re-creation as Paramashiva manifestation happened to save the world from misery and delusion.
A Brahmotsavam is an utsavam or a festival that is organized by the Lord Creator Brahma Himself. Brahma being the creator of the cosmos is said to organize such a festival with universal grandeur and celebration.
Dhvajarohanam is the ritual which marks the start of the Brahmotsavam. It is a very sacred ritual wherein the Dhvaja (Flag) is hoisted on the Dhvajastambha (Flag pole).
Once that happens, Paramashiva along with all the 330 million gods and goddesses from all the 14 Lokas land very intensely and powerfully in the temple premises to celebrate the Brahmostavam.
In the Kamika Agama, Uttara Pada, Mahotasava Vidhih, Verse 1 , Paramashiva says:
utsavaṁ saṁpravakṣyāmi yathāvadanupūrvakam| dhvajārohovarohāntā kriyā utsava ucyate||
Now, I will explain the details of the festival, the subject-matter of which comes next in the order of chapters mentioned in the beginning. The activities which take place from the beginning of flag-hoisting to the lowering of the flag go by the collective name ‘utsava’.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagat Guru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam is the 1008th incarnation of Paramashiva. He is here to revive Kailasa that enlightenment ecosystem of Paramashiva. All the rituals done in the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalaya are personally micromanaged and officiated by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Swamiji.
With our Sakshat Dandavat Pranams we welcome our beloved Swamiji, our beloved Bhagavan, and request His grace and blessings for the Dhvajarohana celebrations.
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