Power of Body Scanning & Giving Solutions Through Third Eye
In this video, Third Eye awakened and initiated Sanyasi of Nithyananda Order reveals underlying problems with the Power of the Third Eye. With an awakened and initiated Third Eye, one can scan and diagnose your own body or other people or living beings of any known and unknown pain, diseases, illnesses, or disorders in the body; the heart, the liver, kidney, blood flow, oxygen, blood pressure, muscle pain, etc.
The Pramanas (scriptural references) are as followed:
स्वदेहे जगतो वापि सूक्ष्मसूक्ष्मतराणि च | तत्त्वानि यानि निलयं ध्यात्वान्ते व्यज्यते परा || ५४ || svadehe jagato vāpi sūkṣmasūkṣmatarāṇi ca | tattvāni yāni nilayaṁ dhyātvānte vyajyate parā || 54 ||
(Source: Dharana 11, Sutra 34 Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, Categorised under Agama https://kailaasa.org/nithyananda-libr...)
Bhagavan Paramaśiva says:
Cognize deeply that from the subtle to the subtlest constitutive principles of your whole body (svadeha) or of the whole universe, simultaneously consist of the essential reality. They are being absorbed in their Source cause (Paramashiva). By the experience of such restful awareness, One becomes complete from all thoughts; and the ultimate universal divine power, Parā Devī (AdiShakti) is revealed, and the supreme power manifestation happens.
There is an Apta Pramana, which are the references of Power of Body scanning from Life of Enlightened Siddha’s which proves this science has been tested and lived. Theraiyar was a Siddha and one of the prominent disciples of Agathiyar.
One day, a man suffering from severe headache comes to Agathiyar for healing. Agathiyar uses the power of body scanning and identifies the root cause of the headache. He reveals that there is a small therai (a type of frog) sitting in the person’s brain. Agathiyar immediately instructs Theraiyar, his disciple, to perform an open head surgery and remove the frog. After the surgery is completed successfully, the person is healed and cured of the headache. Thus, he gained the name Theraiyar. (Source: siddhar kadaigal(life stories of siddhars)
The Ātma Pramāna which comes from the accounts from SPH JGM HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam’s life, proves this science has further been time tested and authenticated through his own experience and now He is teaching it to the world. On 22 Dec 2019, SPH HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam revealed how Swamiji uses the power of body scanning. Paraphrasing His words:
“Only when I had the multiple compound hand fracture, I was forced to go for surgery and therefore for medical checkups related to that. At that time, they detected heavy metal quantity in My different organs. It was revealed that I had been poisoned without our knowledge. I immediately used diagnostic methods instead of medical facilities to study the body condition due to the poisoning. Through body scanning i found out what the problems, imbalances had happened, and where balance has to be done. I used allopathy as the second opinion to verify my findings.” (Source : Nithyananda satsang 22nd December 2019)
Now it has been made available and accessible to humanity through teachings, live darshans, initiations, and has manifested as their own reality further authenticating this science called the Sakshi Pramana; sharing and testimonials of the extraordinary manifestation by the initiated disciples of SPH.
Today, hundreds and thousands of initiated devotees and disciples are easily manifesting these Shaktis as a direct result of the blessings the SPH has shared with the world. More and more people are learning about the greater science Hinduism has to offer the world and is continuing to enrich, heal, and spread the words of the Master and Paramashiva out of their pure devotion and gratitude.