Experience and Manifest Pure Courage, Valour and Victory in all Dimensions of Life

KAILASA's UN for Yogic Sciences
4 min readMar 18, 2021


Receive Bhava Samadhi Darshan of Bhagavan Subramanya the Lord of Courage and Victory with The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam (free global event) Link below.

Subramanya is the expression of tremendous courage, pure courage, pure valor — definition of Pure courage is by its presence without any movement destroys the enemy.

What is Bhava Samadhi Darshan?

Bhava Samadhi Darshan is the Science of Manifesting The Divine. It is a direct experience of causeless bliss. To fulfil the longing of the devotees, an incarnation allows all the divine energies to manifest through His body. Various enlightened masters like Chiatanya, Sri Ramakrishna, Anandamoyee Ma have expressed bhaava darshan to guide people towards enlightenment. Bhava Samadhi Darshan is not an event in space and time. Rather, darshan happens at the moment when we are lifted out of space and time.

The Story of Bhagavan Subramanya

The story goes that Subramanya asked Brahma, ‘Do you know the meaning of Pranava (OM)? Brahma was shaken! Brahma said, ‘I know only the Pranava Mantra; I don’t know the meaning.’ Subramanya then arrested Brahma! He said, ‘If you don’t know the meaning, then you are not qualified to be the “Srishti Kartha” (the Creator). I will do your job!’

The whole Cosmos was now shaken because the Creator was arrested! Paramashiva asked Subramanya, ‘Hey, why did you arrest Brahma? Release him!’ Subramanya said, ‘He doesn’t know the meaning of the Pranava Mantra. So I arrested him.’

Then Paramashiva asked Subramanya, ‘Do you know the meaning of the Pranava Mantra?’ Subramanya said, ‘Yes, I know. If you want to know, become my disciple; I will teach you!’ Then, the story says, Paramashiva sits as Subramanya’s disciple, and Subramanya initiates him into the Pranava Mantra. Subramanya was a kid; so Paramashiva was carrying him in his arms. When Subramanya was teaching the mantra to Paramashiva, whispering it into his ear, suddenly Paramashiva shifted Subramanya (who was in his arms) from one side to the other. Subramanya asked him, ‘Why did you change me from your right ear to your left ear? Then Paramashiva said, ‘Let your mother also hear! Half is hers!’

As Ardhanareeshwara, (the Lord who is half-female), one side of Paramashiva is occupied by Parashakti. So, today is the day Subramanya initiated Paramashiva into Pranava. Then Paramashiva said, ‘Whoever does not know the meaning of the Pranava, he does not know the technology of Creation.’ Then Brahma was released.

Birth of Lord Subramanya

Paramashiva sent His DNA first to the Universe to expand and multiply in the form of Subramanya (known as Bhagavan Murugan). He is the first DNA of Paramashiva, directly from Paramashiva’s five face Third Eyes, and the sixth space. Lord Subramanya was expressed through the Third Eye of paramashiva, from His five faces: Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusha, Ishana. From the Third Eye of all the five faces and the Sixth space, the unborn, faceless space, the energies of Subramanya were made. Parashakti held the whole energy together. The bio-memory of Parashakti and the bio- energy of Sadashiva were too powerful to hold together till the baby was delivered, so Ganga came to help. She acted as a spiritual incubator, adding muscle memory to this garbha.

Experience Courage, Valour and Victory in all dimensions of your life

  • The bio-energy of Paramashiva, bio-memory of Parashakti and muscle-memory of Ganga put together is Subramanya, Skanda — the completion of Paramashiva.
  • Bhagavan Subramanya, also popularly worshipped by the name ‘Muruga’ — represents the completion, the complete manifestation of Paramashiva and Parashakti.
  • He is the Master of Spiritual Alchemy Science.
  • He is the source of all knowledge, the god who dispels ignorance and bestows wisdom for the success and knowledge in one’s life which is needed to realise Enlightenment.
  • He is the expression of supreme intelligence and leadership. Traditionally he is believed to be the commander in chief of the devatas or the angels. He has “Vel” (spear) as his symbolic weapon.
  • The greatest Spiritual Alchemists of Hinduism known as the 18 Siddhas consider themselves as descendants of Subramanya; they have always revered Subramanya as the Guru of their Sampradaya.
  • Hindu Spiritual Alchemy products were a gift from Lord Subramanya, the Lord and Master of the Hindu Alchemy Science. These sciences include energizing certain metals, herbs, and liquids to hold Enlightenment energy which raises the person’s Kundalini, awakens their Third Eye, and gives them a SuperConsciousness breakthrough.


Bhagavan Subramanya himself appeared in front of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam to deliver these truths.

“Before my own Gurus made me manifest the spiritual alchemy science, I was put in the ‘Kaumar Saadhana.’ Experiencing ‘kaumara’- or Subramanya-, kaumara on Skanda Shashti Day. During these six days, not eating anything, making Subramanya Yantra on sacred ash, worshipping it reciting the Skanda shashti kavasa moola mantra 36 times.

It was a spiritual practice I was personally initiated by Vibhudananda Puri. Not only I completed it successfully, I had direct darshan of Subramanya, and received this whole spiritual alchemy science as one gift. This is one of the most powerful spiritual experience I had.” — The SPH

From the Scriptures — SHASTRA PRAMANA

Happening Of Subramanya

सहस्रसूर्यप्रतिमं तत्र तच्छांभवं महः।
षड्वक्त्रं द्वादशभुजं द्विपादं सुमनोहरम्।।
वपुः पुपोष जगतां मङ्गलायुष्यवर्धनम्।
कुमारः सुकुमाराणां निर्दर्शनमभूत्क्षणात्।।

He(Lord Subramanya) happened with the radiance of a 1000 suns with 6 faces and 12 Hands, To bestow the Auspiciousness to the whole world

-Skanda maha Purana, Shankara samhita, Sambhava kaandam, 26th adhyaya, Sri skandavatara, 16th and 17th sloka



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