03 Mar Jeevan Mukthi Jayanti || Living Enlightenment Day
Today marks an incredible day for humanity, when the Avatar, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam, gifted to all of us the — Science of Living Enlightenment.
As a Sakshi Pramana, the science which Sadāshiva marked on in the Agamas that was practiced and established by the great Seers, Rishis, Munis, Siddhas, as Apta Pramana, then the same science which was experienced by SPH Swamiji, as his Atma Pramana, his own experience which now became our Sakshi Pramana, the humanity’s experience.
Swamiiji’s 2017 Jeevan Mukthi Day message:
“This is just not book. This is gift to the world. It’s an independent intelligence. A Deity, God, Goddess by her own right. I’ll use more the word Goddess, because it has all the 5 Goddess. Generation, Operation, Destruction, Delusion and Science of Sadāshivoham — GODDESS, Liberation. The word ‘Goddess’ is more apt than the word ‘God.’ So because God, only 3 act — Generation, Operation, Destruction.
Goddess — all the 5 — Generation, Operation, Destruction, Delusion, Science of Sadāshivoham, Enlightenment, Liberation.
She is a Goddess by herself, independently. Independent intelligence. Just like Bhagavad Gita, She can liberate people on Her own. She has been empowered to open the Moksha Dvara (the door of liberation) for any Being on the Planet Earth. That is why we worship Her.
When I look back, everything looks different. The Face, Trinetra Tilaka, Jatta, even the color of the Saffron cloth but letters are same — Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
Actually if you see in the Jeevan Mukti book, there will be a quotation –
“Whatever I said, saying, going to say, essence of all that is in this book.”
That statement still holds good. And still that statement holds good. Whatever now I am sharing, revealing, you may think, “Oh Swamiji, comes up with new new, things, new new things.”
Yes, covers are new, covers are new — Content is same for last 60,000 years. Covers differ, Content is same for last 60,000 years. Let’s celebrate Jeevan Mukti Jayanti by going out, reaching out, sharing this book freely with all….even if you don’t have hard copies to distribute, the soft copies are available.
Today, will be sharing this book through all our social media platform and mainstream media platform. You can receive the link and share. So this way you can enrich all the Beings with this great book called Jeevan Mukti. It’s available in many languages, international languages — Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, Hindi, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Mandarin, in multiple languages, this book is available. So please distribute this book throughout this month. That is the best thing we can do for our self and to the world, opening Moksha Dvara for millions and millions and millions. ‘
-03 March 2017 Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam